
“Night of the Zoopocalypse” is an upcoming animated film that promises to take viewers on a wild ride filled with action, humor, and heart. Set in a world where a meteor unleashes a virus turning zoo animals into zombies, the film follows an unlikely duo—a wolf and a mountain lion—as they band together to rescue the zoo and stop a deranged mutant leader from spreading chaos. Directed by Ricardo Curtis and Rodrigo Perez-Castro, with a stellar cast led by David Harbour, Bryn McAuley, and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, this movie is set to captivate audiences worldwide.

Release Calendar

  • Release Date: To be announced
  • Target Audience: Families, animation enthusiasts, and fans of adventure-comedy films across Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, and North America.

Key Details


  • Ricardo Curtis
  • Rodrigo Perez-Castro


  • Steven Hoban
  • James Kee


  • David Harbour as Dan
  • Bryn McAuley as Bunny Zero
  • Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Felix


  • English (primary), with potential dubbing and subtitles in multiple languages for international audiences.

Filming Locations:

  • Animated production; visual development and post-production by L’Atelier Animation and other studios.

Plot Summary

When a meteor crashes into Earth, it releases a mysterious virus that transforms zoo animals into ferocious zombies. Amid the chaos, a wolf and a mountain lion form an unlikely alliance. As they navigate the overrun zoo, they encounter other survivors, including quirky and courageous animals. Together, they embark on a mission to stop the mutant leader from spreading the virus beyond the zoo’s boundaries. With themes of teamwork, courage, and redemption, “Night of the Zoopocalypse” combines edge-of-your-seat action with heartfelt moments.

Production Team

  • Producers:
    • Steven Hoban
    • Jonas Benhaiem
    • Yohann Comte
  • Music:
    • Dan Levy
  • Casting:
    • Kim Hurdon
  • Art Direction:
    • Kevin R. Adams
  • Sound Design:
    • Baptiste Boucher
    • Matthieu Michaux

Why You Should Watch

1. Unique Storyline:

A fresh take on the zombie genre, blending animation with a compelling narrative that appeals to all ages.

2. Talented Cast and Crew:

With experienced directors and a voice cast featuring David Harbour and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, the film guarantees high-quality performances.

3. Stunning Visual Effects:

Produced by top animation studios, the film showcases breathtaking visuals and creative designs for zombie animals.

4. Universal Appeal:

Themes of unity and survival resonate globally, making it a must-watch for diverse audiences.

Marketing Strategy

1. Target Audience:

  • Families and animation enthusiasts across Europe, Asia-Pacific, and North America.
  • Fans of David Harbour and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee.

2. Social Media Campaigns:

  • Hashtags: #ZoopocalypseMovie, #ZombieAnimals, #AnimatedAdventure
  • Engage fans with sneak peeks, character introductions, and behind-the-scenes content.

3. Merchandising Opportunities:

  • Plush toys of the main characters (Wolf and Mountain Lion).
  • Zombie animal-themed apparel and collectibles.

4. Partnerships:

Collaborate with streaming platforms and theaters for global reach.

Meta Description

“Night of the Zoopocalypse”: A thrilling animated film where a wolf and mountain lion team up to save their zoo from a zombie virus. Directed by Ricardo Curtis and Rodrigo Perez-Castro. Starring David Harbour and Bryn McAuley. Coming soon!


“Night of the Zoopocalypse” is set to be a game-changer in animated films, combining an innovative storyline with exceptional talent and production. Whether you’re a fan of action, comedy, or heartwarming tales, this movie offers something for everyone. Stay tuned for its release and prepare to embark on an unforgettable adventure!


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