SAINT-EX (2025)


About the Film:
Set against the backdrop of the early 20th century, SAINT-EX delves into the extraordinary life of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a pioneering aviator and celebrated writer. Diane Kruger portrays Consuelo, Saint-Exupéry’s wife and muse, whose unwavering support and fiery personality deeply influenced his works. The narrative follows their passionate and tumultuous relationship, intertwined with Saint-Exupéry’s daring adventures as a pilot and his struggles with fame and purpose.

Director Claire Dupont masterfully captures the essence of the era, blending breathtaking visuals with poignant storytelling.

Why Watch SAINT-EX?

  • Diane Kruger delivers a powerful and nuanced performance as the resilient Consuelo
  • A beautifully crafted biopic that combines historical accuracy with emotional depth
  • Stunning cinematography showcasing the romance and danger of early aviation
  • An exploration of the life and legacy of one of the most iconic writers in history

Don’t miss SAINT-EX, a film that brings a timeless story of love, ambition, and creativity to life. Experience it in theaters starting May 15, 2025, and be inspired by the extraordinary journey behind The Little Prince.

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