Mickey 17
Mickey 17 is a science-fiction film directed by Bong Joon Ho, based on the novel Mickey7 by Edward Ashton. The movie follows Mickey Barnes, an “expendable” sent on a high-risk mission to colonize an ice planet. As expendables can regenerate after death, Mickey faces a cycle of sacrifice and rebirth in this thought-provoking narrative.
Key Details:
- Director: Bong Joon Ho
- Writers: Bong Joon Ho (Screenplay & Story), Edward Ashton (Novel)
- Stars:
- Robert Pattinson as Mickey Barnes
- Toni Collette as Gwen Johansen
- Holliday Grainger, Mark Ruffalo, Steven Yeun, Naomi Ackie, and others.
Crew Highlights:
- Produced by:
Bong Joon Ho, Dede Gardner, Dooho Choi, Brad Pitt, and others. - Cinematography: Darius Khondji
- Music: Jung Jae-il
- Editing: Jinmo Yang
- Production Design: Fiona Crombie
The movie delves into themes of humanity, survival, and ethical dilemmas as Mickey grapples with his unique role and the implications of being replaceable in a colonization mission.
Additional Cast:
- Mark Ruffalo as Hieronymous Marshall
- Steven Yeun as Berto
- Naomi Ackie as Nasha Adjaya
The film promises a blend of stunning visuals, intense drama, and Bong Joon Ho’s signature storytelling style, making it one of the most anticipated sci-fi releases.