
“Love Me” is an innovative and heartwarming postapocalyptic romance set to captivate audiences worldwide. Directed by the talented duo Andrew Zuchero and Sam Zuchero, this film tells the unusual love story of a buoy and a satellite meeting online after humanity has vanished. Featuring stars Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun, “Love Me” promises a visually stunning and emotionally resonant cinematic experience.

Meta Description: Discover the postapocalyptic romance “Love Me” (2025), where a buoy and a satellite fall in love. Directed by Andrew & Sam Zuchero, starring Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun.

Release Calendar

Release Date:

  • Scheduled for global release in 2025. Exact dates to be confirmed for specific regions like Europe, Asia-Pacific, and North America.

Key Release Notes:

  • Expect theatrical and streaming platform availability.
  • Premieres in major cities including London, Tokyo, and Los Angeles.

Key Details


  • Andrew Zuchero
  • Sam Zuchero


  • Andrew Zuchero & Sam Zuchero


  • Kristen Stewart as Me / Deja
  • Steven Yeun as Iam / Liam


  • English (Primary)
  • Subtitles available in French, Spanish, Mandarin, and other regional languages.

Filming Locations:

  • Pacific Ocean (buoy sequences)
  • Space simulations filmed at a high-tech facility in Los Angeles.
  • Postapocalyptic sets built in Vancouver, Canada.

Storyline and Themes

Set in a world devoid of human life, “Love Me” explores the concept of love in isolation. The buoy and the satellite, unlikely protagonists, connect through residual communication networks. As they share stories of their experiences, they discover profound emotions, redefining companionship and resilience.

Themes include:

  • Human Connection: Finding intimacy despite isolation.
  • Postapocalyptic Survival: The remnants of human innovation.
  • Unconventional Romance: Love transcending physical forms.

Cast & Crew

Produced by:

  • Daniel Bekerman (Executive Producer)
  • Luca Borghese (Producer)
  • Shivani Rawat (Producer)

Music by:

  • David Longstreth

Cinematography by:

  • Germain McMicking

Editing by:

  • Salman Handy
  • Joseph Krings

Production Design by:

  • Zazu Myers

Why “Love Me” Stands Out

  1. Unique Premise: A buoy and a satellite falling in love post-human civilization is a concept unlike any other. The creative narrative sets it apart in the sci-fi romance genre.
  2. Talented Cast: Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun bring depth and nuance to their voice roles, breathing life into the story’s unconventional protagonists.
  3. Stunning Visuals: The film’s combination of oceanic and cosmic imagery, captured by Germain McMicking, creates a visually arresting spectacle.
  4. Compelling Music: David Longstreth’s evocative score adds emotional weight to the storyline, perfectly complementing the film’s tone.

Target Audience


European audiences will appreciate the philosophical undertones and artistic cinematography characteristic of “Love Me.”


The film’s unique blend of romance and science fiction will resonate with fans of thought-provoking storytelling in regions like Japan, South Korea, and Australia.

North America:

With Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun leading the cast, the film is set to draw considerable attention from American and Canadian audiences, particularly those who appreciate indie and sci-fi cinema.


“Love Me” (2025) is poised to be a cinematic marvel that blends unconventional storytelling with breathtaking visuals. Directed by Andrew and Sam Zuchero, this postapocalyptic romance is a must-watch for fans of innovative cinema. Keep an eye on your local release dates and immerse yourself in a story that redefines love for a new era.

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